These People Had ONE JOB… And Failed Miserably. I Laughed Way Too Hard At #11.

We are all humans. And humans make mistakes. That’s not to say you should make the mistakes that these people did. They had one job to do and they failed so miserably at it, it’s almost hard to understand how it went this wrong. By the time you get halfway through this list, you may be laughing hard enough to require extra oxygen, so go slowly. You’ll see.

1.) So close, yet so far.




2.) Well, that makes for an uncomfortable bathroom situation.




3.) 3st Place. It’s almost like 1st.


4.) Not even close. Maybe it’s being ironic?




5.) This is the kind of Fanta they drink in the Southern Hemisphere.

6.) This hurts my brain.

7.) You ruined a perfectly good taco.

8.) Now Nala gives me nightmares.

9.) Close, but no cigar.

10.) Hey, boys can like princess stuff.

11.) Why would you do this? WHY?

12.) This toilet paper is so meta.

13.) What’s more distracting, the misplaced names or the fact they were in a movie together?

14.) Or does it?

15.) This is either the best coffee mug or the worst…

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