Ten must-have books on your shelf for your personal development

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies… The man who never reads lives only one”.  – George R.R. Martin

Books are said to be our best friends because they allow us to live different characters and characters we especially want to. Books never judge us not they define our taste for reading. All they dispense is only the lesson that helps us to make our life better. They manifest our path and teach us the right way of living. This blog mentions the top 10 self-help books that can lead you to the self-development roads. 

Let’s know about the self-improvement books 

1) IKIGAI- The Japanese secret to a long and happy life

The massively popular book by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia is one of the best books for self-development. This book is an inspiration in itself as the word Ikigai means finding the purpose of life. 

The book is the union of 4 fundamental components of life; Passion, Vocation, Profession, and Mission. The main motive of the book is to teach the importance of the present and focus on it to enjoy each moment that life brings. 

2) Tuesday with Morrie

Are you a beginner and looking out for the best personal development books? Well, your search ends here. Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom is one of those books that must be on your shelf as it teaches you to live your life meaningfully and helps you know what matters the most in life. 

The book is based on a true story and is more related to the ground realities of life. 

3) The five people you meet in heaven

One more self-development book by Mitch Albom is a novel that revolves around life and death and teaches us five lessons that are necessary for personal development.

These are the five magical lessons that can change anybody’s life. 

4) A little book of happiness 

If you’re a bookworm and loves to read fiction or comics, you should try the section of self-help books to read as many things can inspire you in a way or the other. For example, talking about “A little book of happiness” by Ruskin Bond, you will get to know the difference between too little and too much. Also, it will help you to identify your kind of happiness as people have different priorities. 

By the way, Do you know your kind of happiness? 

5) The gifts of imperfection

Are you a secret dreamer afraid of telling others because they might think you are silly? Or Are you not courageous enough to deal with your problems to live a fulfilled, happy life? This book by Brene Brown is a solution to it. It will help you to find your courage and will rediscover your self-belief and self-worth. Or, you can start up your journey once again after reading this book as it has the potential to do wonders in your life. 

6) Wings of fire

Who doesn’t know APJ Abdul Kalam? Everyone knows, and his workings have made him the “Missile Man of India.” But, have you ever thought about how he managed to do so well in his life? If not, then here you go with this autobiography written by APJ Abdul Kalam and Arun Tiwari. 

The book will transform your whole outlook on life and teaches you different aspects like the importance of prayer, leadership, and, most importantly, how to travel the unexplored path with enthusiasm and courage. 

Isn’t it the best book for self-development? 

7) The Alchemist

Another must-have self-help book from one of the famous authors, Paulo Coelho, is an inspiration for those who are afraid to follow their heart’s desires. 

The book possesses beautiful lessons on embracing the present, breaking the monotony, and focusing on your journey. You can find your solutions in this book if you cannot handle the obstacles coming to your path of success. The book has a lot to give you, just read and grasp it. 

8) Atomic Habits- An easy and proven way to build good habits and break the bad ones

We all agree to have bad habits in us, and we all want to get rid of them. So, we adopt various methods to abolish those bad habits, but only a few succeed; why not all? And what are the methods to do away with it? Well, this book by James Clear helps us in. The book teaches the right way to get rid of your bad habits. We may consider our way right, but it’s not always true. Sometimes it is necessary to choose the path we don’t want for the betterment. This is what the Atomic Habits make us realize. 

9) The little book of encouragement 

How about adding the best self-help books written by one of the most popular influencers, the Dalai Lama? We all know how positive he is and so do his writings. One of the best-selling works from his collection is “The little book of encouragement”, This book is the key to happiness and has 130 quotes related to coping with the new realities of the panic-stricken world. 

10) As a Man Thinketh

As a Man, Thinketh is one of the best self-improvement books by James Allen. A very short-written book of 54 pages provides timeless and immeasurable wisdom. The choice of words is beautiful and makes it a must-read for everyone.

The message that the book delivers are-

These were a few inspirational and motivational must-read books that everyone should opt for. 

Let us know if you own any of these.



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